Prince William is set to star in a new documentary series titled “Prince William: We Can End Homelessness,” which will air in two parts on ITV1 and ITVX later this autumn. This series highlights his commitment to eradicating homelessness, a cause deeply important to him, influenced by his late mother, Princess Diana.
The documentary focuses on the first year of the Homewards initiative, a five-year project launched by William and The Royal Foundation in June 2023. Homewards aims to make homelessness a rare, brief, and non-recurrent event. The series will spotlight the program’s efforts in six key locations: Aberdeen, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, Lambeth, Newport, Northern Ireland, and Sheffield.
Directed by BAFTA award-winner Leo Burley, known for “The Real Mo Farah” and “My Dad, the Peace Deal and Me,” the series is produced by Mindhouse with Arron Fellows as the executive producer. Burley and his team spent a year following Prince William and The Royal Foundation, capturing the challenges and triumphs of those working to combat homelessness and those affected by it.
Homelessness has been a significant issue for William, partly due to the influence of Princess Diana. She made unpublicized visits to homeless shelters with her sons, instilling in William a deep sense of empathy and responsibility. In 2009, William slept rough on the streets of London to raise awareness for the issue, an experience that further solidified his commitment to tackling homelessness.
The Homewards program collaborates with local organizations and advocates to develop innovative solutions that can be scaled nationwide. The documentary will feature moving stories of individuals and families facing homelessness, providing a comprehensive look at the crisis across the UK today.
William’s approach to addressing homelessness is multi-faceted. He aims to tackle the root causes, such as mental health issues and substance abuse, and support systemic changes to prevent homelessness. His dedication to this cause has seen him become a patron of the homeless charity Centrepoint and actively participate in initiatives aimed at supporting those without a stable home.
The documentary is expected to air between September and November, although an exact date has not been confirmed. By highlighting the efforts of the Homewards initiative and the stories of those affected by homelessness, the series aims to raise awareness and inspire action to address this critical issue.